
Measuring outcomes helps us determine what works, what doesn’t, and what to do about it

Our ultimate goal is to empower all program participants, whether student coaches, wellness class members, or teachers and staff with evidence-based strategies that help them grow and thrive.

The focus of our outcomes measures is to assess how participants have applied what they’ve learned and what impact that learning has had on their lives and/or the lives of others with whom they interact. This isn’t about measuring what and how much the student has learned. It’s about making sure that the program makes a difference.

We use a variety of validated outcomes measurement instruments adopted from the US National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices.

We make extensive use of real-time outcomes measurement that delivers immediate insights into how the learning and/or coaching process is going. Our process is unique because it puts control in the hands of the learners themselves. It is the learner him/herself who decides how they’re doing and how the program is working for them. Such measurement promotes honest exchange between trainers/coaches and the people in the training or wellness class. This process fosters ongoing learning and improvement, which is the key to achieving outcomes that count.

Fidelity assessment is another important part of IWE’s outcomes measurement program. For all wellness classes led by student-coaches, we assess how closely they adhere to the prescribed content and methods for leading wellness classes. Fidelity measurements are from three sources: the student coach themselves (self-evaluation), participants in the wellness class, and an observer (the teachers assigned to supervise the class).

We also conduct overall program evaluations at the end of every major section of the training course and wellness classes to assess how well students liked the program, what they learned from it, how that learning applies in their lives.