Power Up Your Skills to Drive Personal and Community Transformation
What’s the Biggest Problem Caring Professionals Have When Working with Others?
No matter what role you play—from physician to community health worker, the challenge is the same:
How do you “get” or “make” people do what they should do to live a healthier, happier, and longer life?
Level 2 Is About “Real World” Practice
The Level 2 wellness certification course emphasizes practice and applying the skills in the “real world.”
Students learn not only knowing what to do to effectively support others in the quest to make positive, lasting change, but how to do it, and how to do it in a variety of challenging scenarios.
Level 2 Training Boosts Your Competence . . . and Your Confidence
By training with IWE, you will gain deep competence to use evidence-based approaches to help people manage their own self-change process. IWE’s training will help you:
Maximize your capacity to help others, regardless of what problems they have
Reduce your frustration with trying to “make” or “get” people to change
Re-envision and transform “resistance” to open the door of possibilities for change
Lower your stress level and reduce your risk of burn-out
Use evidence-based approaches to track progress and document outcomes that count for clients and agencies
Evidence-Based Foundation
We not only teach you to use models, strategies, approaches, and tools that have been proven in large, rigorous scientific trials, but our teaching methods are also evidence-based.
From motivational interviewing to solution-focused practice and cognitive-behavioral approaches, you’ll get the best current science has to offer.
Sound Educational Principles
Our training is grounded in the critical principles of adult learning that emphasize practical application.
We guide you through a learning process in which each skill builds on another.
And, we use material from your own personal and professional life to make learning immediately relevant.
You become both “subject” and “scientist” in which you practice new skills and reflect on your own unique process of learning, which strengthens your capacity to grow as a coach.
Using evidence-based tools to chart your progress, you’ll monitor and celebrate your progress.
Deliberate Practice
Wellness coaches use finely-honed communication skills very strategically. These skills develop only through concentrated practice, the kind of practice it takes to become a great performer or athlete.
We offer weekly practice with feedback to give you the competence and confidence you need to be effective.
Dr. David Mee-Lee
Dr. Deborah Teplow
Jenna Hille, MS | Leslie Martin, MS | Megan Yousef, PharmD
Here’s what people have said about Level 2 training . . .
“It amazes me how such small details can have such a big impact in my practice.”
— Jennifer, USA
“I already was certified by another company, but I never got the actual practical training to put the education into practice. IWE is so different because it gives you the real skills to coach.”
— Mary Beth, USA
“I have been so impressed with IWE’s training. It’s not just excellent education. It gives you the practical tools to help you do important work.
— Soraya, Saudi Arabia
“The course was a lot more than I thought it would be. It was very detailed, rigorous, and comprehensive. I feel like I got a full graduate education in months, not years.”
— Kathy, USA
Course Format, Outline, & Objectives
Course Format
Learn when, how, where you want, and at a pace that’s right for you.
- This is an online, self-paced course, so you need access to the internet and an email address.
- Course materials include:
- Online course using Instructure’s Canvas learning management system
- Handouts
- Published journal articles
- Slides you can use for your own presentations
- The course features a learn-by-doing format, so activities are designed to give you opportunities to learn, reflect, assess, evaluate, report, create and act. There are no vast amounts of material to read, big exams to take, or papers to write.
- The course format has a rhythm that combines reading a page of text or watching a video, completing a 1–2 question quiz to reinforce learning, doing a hands-on, experiential exercise or survey, and participating in discussions.
- Regular supervised deliverate practice is crucial, so we offer weekly teleconferences to help you practice your coaching skills.
- Expected duration: Students generally can complete the course in 6 months.
Course Outline
Part I offers students rigorous training in the skills and processes of effective coaching.
It covers the theoretical underpinnings of wellness coaching and the skill-building activities that produce highly effective wellness coaches.
The emphasis is on using science-based strategies and tactics creatively with attention on working as collaborative partners with clients to discover what works and fits for each individual
The course format emphasizes learn-by-doing; and outcomes measurement using evidence-based tools helps students hone their skills with real-time feedback.
Module 1: Review
Module 2: Coaching Principles and Ethics
Module 3: Setting the Stage for Change: Principles and Framework for Change
Module 4: Coaching Skills: Motivational Interviewing I
Module 5: Coaching Skills: Motivational Interviewing II
Module 6: Change Process: Motivational Interviewing III
Module 7: Putting Motivational Interviewing into Action-Review of Skills
Module 8: The Process of Motivational Interviewing, Part 1
Module 9: The Process of Motivational Interviewing, Part 2
Module 10: Solution-Focused Practice, Part 1, Basic Principles and Practices
Module 11: Solution-Focused Practice, Part 2, From First Session to Subsequent Sessions
Module 12: Positive Psychology Basics and Its Application in Coaching
Module 13: Cognitive-Behavioral Basics and Its Application in Coaching
Part 2 covers the key aspects of working with people traditionally labeled “resistant.”
It begins with an examination of the traditional view of resistance and offers a new way of thinking about it. Then, offers innovative ideas and approaches to prevent, avoid, and resolve issues that keep people from moving forward in the change process.
Part 2 emphasizes practical application in real world settings and capitalizes on the skills students learned in Part I.
Module 1: What Is Resistance?
Module 2: Common Errors Practitioners Make that Create and Perpetuate Resistance
Module 3: General Principles of Working with Clients When Clients Push Back
Module 4: The Art of Language that Builds Motivation
Module 5: How to Manage “I Don’t Know” and Silence
Module 6: Putting It All Together: How to Create Powerful Interactions that Help Clients Move Themselves into the Self-Change Process
Course Registration
Pay in full or use our interest-free payment plan that makes it easy to get the training you need right now.
Sign up and get started now!
NOTE: Contact us for bulk discount pricing.
Regular Tuition
Special Discount for Employees in the Public or Non-Profit Sector and Veterans