Working Together for Change That Counts:
Creating High-Performance Teams With Heart
Working Together for Change That Counts: Creating High-Performance Teams With Heart is a program designed for agencies and organizations that recognize that the bottom line is not just a number. The bottom line represents the heart and soul of its people.
When people feel psychologically and physically safe, are given voice, have the opportunity to exercise choice, and are supported in their learning and growth, it is reflected in how well the organization does.
Working Together for Change That Counts: Creating High-Performance Teams With Heart takes your agency or organization on a journey of individual and group discovery and empowerment.
The program is strongly rooted in a solutions-focused approach which draws out strengths, skills, and resources of both individuals and the group as a whole. The question is not “what’s wrong and how do we fix it". The question is “what’s going right and how do we amplify that?”
Participants in the program have called it, “eye opening” and “transformative.” Managers have reported improved morale and performance that has translated into better outcomes. All good for the bottom line.
The purpose of this program is to give professionals the skills they need to create a high-performance team with heart who make "changes that count."
Changes that count:
Make a positive difference for staff, the organization, and the community they serve.
Inspire, empower, and reward people.
Give people the safety and skills they need to nurture a culture built on trusting, supportive relationships.
Enable high-performance-teams-with-heart to reach goals and enjoy outcomes that are important and meaningful for everyone.
*The conversational style and strategies, tools, and techniques are evidence-based: part of, or adapted from, the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP), a registry established by the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA).
A. At the Starting Gate
I like it here; why do I have to go?
How to leave “home” with grace: positive grieving into a promising new future*
B. Choosing Your Destination: Goals vs Outcomes
What they are
Why they’re different*
Why it matters
C. Where Do I Sit?
Defining your role: scientist and subject
Helping others do their job high-performing organizations
D. Put on Your Seat Belts
Why safety is important
Managing emotions so difficult conversations aren’t so hard*
E. Choose the Right Vehicle
Use a framework that promotes positive change and growth
Tiny Habits® for teams*
F. Tune-up the Engine
Language as the fuel that powers everything
Tinkering under the hood: word choice, tone, phrasing
G. Observe the Rules of the Road
How the brain processes threats
Red light, yellow light, green light: how to set boundaries so everyone wins*
When what you think is right isn’t what the person wants
H. Reaching Milestones
Are we there yet? How to measure progress*
Why every step counts
I. Use Your Map
Keep your eyes on the road
Recovering from wrong-turns, slip-ups, and goofs
J. Snacks for the Trip
Self-care as a professional responsibility
Potluck: how to help each other stay nourished
K. Reach the Destination
Why rewards aren’t enough
How to reinforce change by creating a success momentum*
* = experiential learning activity